Terms of Use

§ 1. Validity of Terms and Conditions 1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to contractual agreements regarding temporary rentals of the 'Beach Apartment Adria' vacation rental (hereinafter referred to as the Owner) and all other services and deliveries provided by the provider for the guest. The provider's services are exclusively based on these General Terms and Conditions. 1.2 The Owner prohibits subletting, re-renting, and the use of the rental properties for purposes other than residential. 1.3 Deviations from these GTC are only effective if confirmed in writing by the Owner.

§ 2 Booking/Booking Confirmation All booking inquiries must be made via our website luxury-beachapartment-adria.com, by email info@luxury-beachapartment-adria.com or by telephone on 0049-1739950510. The deposit of 25% of the total amount must be paid immediately, the reservation is considered confirmed when the deposit is received. 

§ 3 Prices and Payment Conditions 3.1 The stated prices are final prices and include the statutory value-added tax and all additional costs, including final cleaning. A deposit of 25% of the total amount is due immediately to comfirm the booking. The remaining payment is due no later than 40 days before arrival. For bookings made within 30 days of arrival, the full rental price must be paid. 3.2 If the advance payment does not reach the Owner by the agreed date, the Owner can withdraw from the rental agreement. The Owner's withdrawal from the rental agreement due to the guest's failure to meet a payment deadline is considered a cancellation by the guest with the consequences stated in Section 4 of these GTC. 3.3 The Owner may request a deposit of €150.00 from the guest. The refund of the deposit is regulated in Section §6.2 of these GTC.

§ 4 Cancellation 4.1 The guest must notify the Owner of a cancellation in writing. The date of cancellation is the date of receipt by the Owner.  4.2 In case of cancellation, the guest is obliged to pay a portion of the agreed price as compensation. 

The amount of compensation depends on the time until the arrival day and is as follows: 

- Up to 31 days before the day of arrival: 100% of the rental price (can be canceled free of charge)

- 30 to 15 days before arrival: 50% of the rental price will be refunded.

- Within 14 days before the day of arrival or in case of no-show: 100% of the rental price will be charged.

Cancellation must be made in writing. We recommend that you take travel cancellation insurance.

4.3 The Owner may, for justifiable reasons, withdraw from the rental agreement or terminate it without notice if: a) Force majeure or other circumstances beyond the Owner's control make it impossible to fulfill the rental agreement. b) The guest has booked the accommodation with false or misleading information about essential facts (e.g., guest's identity, occupancy, or accommodation of pets). c) The guest uses the accommodation for purposes other than residential. d) The guest jeopardizes the safety, peace, or reputation of the Owner by using the service. 4.5 In cases of Section 4.3a, the Owner shall refund any rental payments already made within a reasonable time. In cases of Sections 4.3b to d, the guest has no claim to a refund of the rental price.

§ 5 Termination by the Owner In the event of a cancellation by us due to force majeure or other unforeseeable circumstances (such as damage to the rental property) that make fulfillment impossible, liability is limited to the refund of costs. In the case of justified cancellation, there is no customer entitlement to compensation - no liability for travel and hotel costs is assumed. Termination by the Owner can occur after the start of the rental without observing a deadline if the tenant persistently disturbs other tenants despite a warning or behaves in such a way that immediate termination of the rental agreement is justified.

§ 6 Check-In and Check-Out 6.1 On the day of arrival, the vacation rental is available from 4:00 pm. On the day of departure, the apartment must be vacated by 10:00 am. The Owner reserves the right to charge a late departure fee. Claims for damages cannot be asserted if the vacation rental cannot be occupied at exactly 4:00 pm. The guest will receive information about key handover one day before arrival by phone or email. 6.2 The Owner refunds the guest a deposited security deposit in full if, according to Section 6.1 of these GTC, the accommodation was vacated on time, and no damages attributable to the guest were found during the return of the accommodation. For damages exceeding the amount of the deposit, the Owner can demand immediate compensation from the guest. 6.3 On the day of departure, the guest must vacate the accommodation by 10:00 am. Vacating the accommodation includes cleaning and storing dishes, glasses, etc., completely emptying all cabinets and refrigerators, the kitchen and kitchen inventory back to the state at the time of arrival, emptying the trash bins into the designated containers, and returning all keys. Additional provisions regarding this may be set by the Owner in the house rules or agreed separately with the guest. If the apartment is not left as desired, the guest may be charged.

§ 7 Apartment The apartment is handed over by us in an orderly and clean condition with complete inventory. If defects exist or occur during the rental period, the Owner must be notified immediately. The tenant is liable for damages caused by him to the rental property, the inventory, e.g., broken dishes, damage to the floor, or furniture. This includes the costs for lost keys. The inventory must be treated gently and with care, intended only for use in the vacation rental. Rearranging furnishings, especially beds, is prohibited. The tenant is also liable for the negligence of his fellow travelers. Damages caused by force majeure are excluded. In the case of improper use of the vacation rental, such as subletting, over-occupancy, disturbance of the peace, etc., or non-payment of the full rental price, the contract can be terminated without notice. The already paid rent remains with the Owner. If liability insurance exists, the damage must be reported to the insurance. The tenant must provide the name and address, as well as the insurance number of the insurance to the Owner.

§ 8 Pets Bringing and accommodating pets in the accommodation is expressly prohibited. In case of violation, the Owner reserves the right to terminate the rental agreement immediately and to carry out professional cleaning at the tenant's expense.

§ 9 Stay The apartment may only be used by the persons listed in the booking. If the house is used by more people than agreed, a separate fee is payable for them, determined in the rental price. In this case, the Owner also has the right to terminate the rental agreement immediately. Subletting and handing over the apartment to third parties is not allowed. The rental agreement may not be transferred to third parties. The guest agrees to the General Terms and Conditions and the house rules of our 'Beach Apartment Adria' holiday apartment. The agreement is made with payment. In the event of violations of the GTC or house rules, the Owner is entitled to terminate the rental relationship immediately and without notice. There is no legal claim for a refund of the rent or compensation.

§ 10 Owner's Liability The Owner is liable within the scope of due diligence for the proper provision of the rental property. Liability for possible failures or disturbances in water or electricity supply, as well as events and consequences of force majeure, is hereby excluded.

§ 11 Authorization for Use of Internet Access via WLAN 11.1 The Owner maintains an internet access via WLAN in his vacation property. He allows the tenant to use the WLAN access to the Internet during his stay in the vacation property. The tenant does not have the right to allow third parties to use the WLAN. The Owner does not guarantee the actual availability, suitability, or reliability of the internet access for any purpose. He is entitled at any time to allow further users for the operation of the WLAN, in whole or in part, temporarily and to restrict or exclude the tenant's access, in whole or in part, if the connection is being used or has been used in an abusive manner in terms of the law, insofar as the Owner must fear a claim for this and this cannot be prevented with customary and reasonable effort in a reasonable time. The Owner reserves the right, in particular, to block access to specific pages or services via WLAN at his reasonable discretion and at any time (e.g., glorifying violence, pornographic, or paid pages). 11.2 Access Data: Use is via access security. Access data (login and password) may not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. If the tenant wants to grant third parties access to the Internet via WLAN, this requires the prior written consent of the Owner and is mandatory upon documented acceptance of the terms of this user agreement by the third party through signature and complete identity information. The tenant undertakes to keep his access data secret. The Owner has the right to change access codes at any time. 11.3 Risks of WLAN Use, Limitation of Liability: The tenant is advised that WLAN only provides access to the Internet; virus protection and firewall are not available. The data traffic generated using WLAN occurs unencrypted. Therefore, the data may be viewable by third parties. The Owner expressly points out that there is a risk that malicious software (e.g., viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.) may reach the end device when using WLAN. The use of WLAN is at the tenant's own risk and at the tenant's own risk. The Owner is not liable for damages to the tenant's digital media caused by the use of the internet access unless the damages were intentionally or grossly negligently caused by the Owner and/or his agents. 11.4 Responsibility and Indemnification of Claims: The tenant is responsible for the data transmitted via WLAN, the use of paid services, and unexecuted legal transactions resulting from it. If the tenant visits paid websites or enters into obligations, the resulting costs are to be borne by him. He is obliged to comply with the applicable law when using WLAN. He will, in particular: - Not use WLAN to retrieve or distribute morally or legally objectionable content. - Not unlawfully reproduce, distribute, or make accessible copyrighted goods; this applies in particular to the use of file-sharing programs. - Observe the applicable youth protection regulations. - Not send or distribute harassing, defamatory, or threatening content. - Not use WLAN to send mass messages (spam) and/or other forms of unauthorized advertising. The tenant indemnifies the Owner of the vacation property from all damages and third-party claims resulting from the tenant's unlawful use of WLAN and/or a violation of this agreement. This also extends to costs and expenses related to the use or defense.

§ 12 House Rules, General Rights, and Duties 12.1 The guest is obliged to adhere to the house rules. From 10:00 pm to 7:00 am, quiet hours apply. To avoid disturbances, TV and audio devices should be set to room volume. 12.2 For the duration of the vacation house's use, the guest must keep windows and doors closed when leaving the apartment. 12.3 Bringing or accommodating a pet is not allowed. 12.4 Smoking is prohibited in the vacation rental. In case of violations, the provider may charge a cleaning fee of up to €100.00 (net). Smoking is only allowed on the terrace. 12.5 Our on-site parking lot provides 1 parking space. 12.6 The installation and/or attachment of materials for decoration or similar in the vacation rental are not allowed. The guest is solely liable for any installed and/or attached decoration or similar and indemnifies the provider from third-party claims. The guest is also obliged to compensate for damages caused by the installation and/or attachment of decoration or similar. 12.7 The Owner (or the person authorized by the Owner) has the right to access the vacation house at any time, especially in case of imminent danger. The exercise of the right of access must take into account the legitimate interests of the guest. The Owner will inform the guest in advance about the exercise of the right of access unless this is not reasonable or impossible due to the circumstances of the individual case.

§13 Written Form Other agreements not mentioned in this contract do not exist. No verbal agreements have been made. The general terms and conditions are accepted upon payment of the deposit.